
Janna instacast tornado
Janna instacast tornado

janna instacast tornado

Lynter says “Runa Recomendada: Eletrocutar.Īhri abusará de AA e Q nos níveis iniciais, por isso tome cuidado com a Orbe da Ahri e tente usar o Q nela todas as vezes que puder. Play with Cleanse only if you cannot dodge CC spells easily OR they have a setup for her (Seju/Amumu/Zac/whatever).” Be careful of the instant E->Flash combo - if you don't play with cleanse OR if you don't react fast enough she will kill you, however I suspect very few Ahri players are able to do it on a consistent basis so you will be generally OK with Ignite too. Try to learn her E pattern in the first 4 minutes and you will have an easy game. Never get hit by a Q that it is intended for minions. In this matchup I usually push hard till level 2 and then try to keep a steady push so her Qs will be forced on minions and not on me. Play with Cleanse if you think their jungler will reach you if she hits you and post 6 play careful because of her ult. Start Corrupting if you think you will not hit your W's (or you will get poked down) and you rely more on wave clear/spammy poke (you will be way more squisher but more durable - this is recommended if you are sure you will not get hit by CC spells and instantly die).Į pre 6 in order to kill her. Considere Merc Threads se você estiver com dificuldades ou se o time inimigo tiver muito AP / CC pesado.”ĭrewmatth Taliyah says “Start Doran + 2 Pots if 1) You think you can outplay her and hit your W's to generate a kill at levels 3-5 or 2) You think she will burst you down post 6 (get an extra ring). (E nela e insta Rocketbelt e ela perderá seu E provavelmente) Mais tarde, ela nunca poderá combater você nas sides.Īhri causa um dano muito baixo e ela terá que R para escapar toda vez que você se envolver com ela. Protobelt você pode começar a pular nela mesmo se o E dela estiver UP, já que você pode usar Proto "através" do Charm dela. E para se esquivar do charme dela se precisar, não seja ganancioso e não arrisque ser atingido. Muito dano de puxão e certifique-se de pegar a fazenda. Jogue seguro desde o início, não tome muito O E cd dela é de 12 segundos enquanto o seu E é de 9 segundos, então você não tem muito tempo para puni-la, mesmo que você troque E. Seu empurrão inicial é muito forte e você nunca pode pular nela se seu E estiver para cima, a menos que você obtenha um W bem colocado e cronometrado. This is all I can think of right of the bat.Atemporal says “A única maneira de perder este confronto é se você levar muito dano gratuito no início do jogo. The easier option would be to ult them in to the tornado ofc. If you want some next level plays you can abuse the fact that you can re-cast Q while ulting: Use your Q in to your ult. Optimal save strat would be: E -> Redemption -> ult, in many cases. Since you cant use any ability (except most summs and re-cast Q) while in ult, try to use E before ulting if you are forced to ult. Another option would be to cast it sideways. If chased, aim Q towards the way you run so it can charge up for longer and almost guarantee a hit. It is not as Lulus E where the pixi stays with the target even if the shield depletes.ĭouble tap Q for instant cast. This means that the shield brings the ad. The shield absorbs up to 70/105/140/175/210 (+70% Ability Power) damage and grants 10/17.5/25/32.5/40 (+10% Ability Power) attack damage until it is fully depleted. Long answer: The shield tool tip reads: Grants an allied champion or turret a shield that decays over 5 seconds. Long answer: You can use Youmuu's Ghostblade, Seraph's Emprace (stacked tear), Gargoyle Stoneplate, Shurelya's Reverie, Righteous Glory, Raduin's Omen, Spellbinder, Oracle Lense (red trinket) and Farsight Alteration (blue trinket) and ofc. Simple answer: No, you can not cast redemption wile ulting. You can indeed re-activate the tornado during your ult.

Janna instacast tornado