I'd say viola is perfect for a healing class. When you use a same minion since they both have the same skill, you are given a different bonus with increased stats. When you put a different type minion in the slot, you can also use its active skill, they share cool down with the main minion active skill though. Now the S-minion you have has a slot where you can put another minion of your choice as long as it is maxed level (i can be any grade or any type, but S+S is the best option) When you have a maxed s-rank minion, you now need another s-rank minion (doesn't need to be upgraded) and you consume this to open the slot to the s-minion of your choice, the minion that is consumed is lost and becomes the slot. I'm trying to decide if I wanna try to aim for a mini minion lol It seems they each have their own skills (are they different from the normal S rank skills? Or is it the same) I'd love to see that stats too if people know where that is. Scarlet Overkill couldn't control her temper with the Minions and ended up losing everything.Balthazar Bratt kidnapping the girls gets Gru's attention and a swift Curb-Stomp Battle.Vector got stranded on the moon by hijacking Gru's moon heist plan.Laser-Guided Karma: Being villains, they always end up getting defeated by their own actions.Card-Carrying Villain: None of them care for subtlety or hiding, and they all parade their villainous selves and deeds with glee.Bad Boss: All of them treat their subordinates/partners like crap, contrasting Gru who respects his minions enough.So I got lucky and managed to get an awakened minion but I don't know a thing about adding a 2nd minion to it. Motifs: All of them are reverted, being either spoiled immature brats (Vector, Balthazar Bratt) or seeking to revive their Glory Days (El Macho, Bratt too) or unable to move beyond their glory days (Scarlet Overkill, the Vicious 6).The Vicious 5 are beaten down by one of their own members, who they expelled.except her crown, which was taken by Gru. "Vector! That's me! Because I'm committing crimes with both direction and magnitude! Oh yeeeah!" This serves as a counterpart to Gru, who evolves and achieves maturity and responsibility and finds a life outside villainy. The primary antagonist of the first film, a nerdy and immature young man who just happens to have very good technology.

He stole the Pyramid of Giza, which kicks the film off. Ambiguous Situation: He is ultimately stranded on the Moon while it's in orbit, with no way to get back to Earth.He took the shrink ray that Gru requires for his plan. His appearance in Minion Rush suggests he's back on Earth, but the AVL files on the Despicable Me 3 DVD says he's still on there, somehow surviving the moon's atmosphere all this time. Big Bad: Surprisingly combined with Butt-Monkey and Genius Ditz, and it still works.Beware the Silly Ones: He manages to be the Big Bad and a Butt-Monkey at the same time.Īttention Whore: Vector's first moment is trying to show-off to Gru about his latest scheme.He uses piranhas for one of his weapons and has a pet shark.

He's also The Dragon to the Greater-Scope Villain, his father Mr. Bunny-Ears Lawyer: He's an immature and dramatic goofball, but he's an impressive villain.Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He acts nice to the girls at first, but he would've already hurt them if it weren't for the cookies.Perkins, who is considered to be the true villain of the film. Evil Counterpart: To Gru - Gru is old-fashioned, has mommy issues and a Jerk with a Heart of Gold Vector is new-fashioned, has daddy issues and a plain Jerkass.Victor himself serves as this to his father since evil schemes are said to pull in big bucks.He owns a pet shark to keep out intruders such as Gru.Do Not Call Me "Paul": "Victor was my nerd name, now I am Vector!".Anything that isn't orange is white (with orange highlights) White to go with his iPod style and to contrast Gru's black.He wears an orange tracksuit, has an orange couch, and some of the furniture in his room has the color in it. Evil Genius: Vector is highly intelligent but also cocky and has an extreme side of arrogance.They both are amazingly good with technology, comically evil (for the fun of it, and for us watching), a few personality flaws.