“They’ve embraced the classic series, like beyond our wildest imagination,” Cartwright says. Smith, betrayed by Parker Posey’s new incarnation of “Smith.” And in Season 2, Cartwright plays Sheila Harris (Parker Posey’s mother) in a thrilling flashback. In season 1, Bill Mumy plays the ill-fated “real” Dr. Cartwright also thinks the spirit of the darker, edgier Lost in Space is alive and well with the Netflix series. Smith - saw an “opportunity to step-up the comedic sense of the character.” And the rest, the colorful and over-the-top Lost in Space became history. Mumy and Cartwright explain that Johnathan Harris - who played the dastardly Dr. Mumy says that what happened after season 1 is “something we’ve come to understand better in the last five or six years.” Basically, because the show got something like 40 million viewers in the first six episodes, “CBS told Iwrin Allen it was too scary. If you go back and watch season 1 of the series, you’re dealing with an entirely different show. It really holds up to any of the 1930s Universal Frankenstein films or something like that. When it was in black and white, the cinematography was top-notch.

“And it was indeed dark, with a beautiful, beautiful score by John Williams. A family against the alien environment,” Bill Mumy says. “Our Lost in Space started out as a dramatic pioneer story. The gritty, black and white first season, and then, everything else. In fact, even within the three seasons of the original show, you’re basically dealing with two separate shows, at least tonally. As the book illuminates, the reputation Lost in Spacehas to a casual fan and its actual content is wildly divergent. In fact, part of what makes the entire Lost in Space phenomenon so compelling is that somehow, despite being launched in 1965 (a year before Star Trek!) delving into the making of the original show, the 1998 film, and the new series, still feels fresh.Īnd so, this new book fills a bit of that vacuum. Unlike several other famous sci-fi franchises, Lost in Spaceisn’t saturated with countless behind-the-scenes books or documentaries. No spoilers ahead for Lost in Space Season 3 on Netflix!

Recently, we caught up with Mumy and Cartwright - to talk about old times on Jupiter II, the dark Lost in Space that was cut too short, and why they love the new Netflix series. It’s part behind-the-scenes book, part memoir, and 100 percent chocked-full of photos and stories that have never been revealed anywhere else. Out this month from Next Chapter Books, is the new hardcover Lost (and Found) in Space 2, written by Mumy and Cartwright. Like the upbeat and hopeful franchise itself, the kids of the original Lost in Spacearen’t looking back in anger, but instead, with warmth and excitement about the future. “We would hang out with Bruce Lee from Green Hornet and the Peyton Place cast.” “We go into the secret places,” they tell Den of Geek.

Lost in space series#
56 years later, series stars Bill Mumy and Angela Cartwright speak of their time as Will Robinson and Penny Robison, in the kinds of tones that make it sound like their adventures were on par with the Boxcar Children or Nancy Drew. For the young child stars of Lost in Space, filming the cult classic was, possibly, the best childhood ever.